Olivia Burkett, Lead Designer

A lover of good coffee and good music. Her favorite designs combine clean, modern lines and vintage touches, with her apartment being her latest canvas. When she's not designing, she can be found spending time with friends and family, trying Louisville's newest restaurants... or binge watching a reality television show.

Hometown: Louisville, KY.

Zodiac sign: Virgo.

Favorite food: Pasta, pizza, you name it - I'm a huge foodie!

Morning person or night owl? Morning person.

Favorite room to design: Kitchens! So much life happens in the kitchen.

Favorite exercise: Barre.

Sunrise or sunset: Sunset.

What's your hidden talent? I am conversationally fluent in Spanish! I took Spanish classes throughout high school and college and I even spent a semester living in Spain. 

Where is your happy place? A slow morning with a good cup of coffee.

Three words to describe yourself: Creative, open-minded, compassionate.

Soundtrack of your life: "Vienna" - Billy Joel.

Favorite quote: "Rejection is redirection."